Jay Hodge
032821 Palm Sunday Worship
032121 Sunday Worship Service
Beautiful in our own time – a message from our General Presbyter
by John Odom,General Presbyter Ecclesiastes reminds, “God makes everything beautiful in its own time” (Eccles. 3:11). That’s the biblical truth for individuals and even the church—God vouchsafes beauty. Unfortunately, the biblical truth must answer the earthbound reality observed by salon owner, Ms. Truvy Jones, in the play turned movie Steel Magnolias, “there is no such thing […]
031421 Worship Service
030721 Worship Service is delayed…
Our reason d’jour for no worship service really boils down to hardware and/or software problems. For whatever reason, the phones being used to record our services are unable to record and save. It is not an issue of space. We are looking closely at the need to purchase a video recorder. If you wish to […]
022821 Worship Service
022121 Sunday Worship
013121 Sunday Worship Service – Rev. Jeremy Garbat-Welch, guest preacher